Catalyst Hires Business Development Executive to Expand Distribution Relationships and Alternative Strategy Products

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Catalyst Capital Advisors LLC, the Advisor to the Catalyst family of mutual funds, is pleased to announce the addition of George F. Amrhein, Jr. to its senior management team. Mr. Amrhein joins Catalyst as Director of Business Development to build upon the firm’s key distribution relationships and manage the continued expansion of its lineup of distinctive mutual funds. Mr. Amrhein is an alumnus of the College of the Holy Cross and the Wharton Graduate School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Catalyst intends to expand its lineup of funds that provide access to specialized investment strategies and top portfolio managers with Mr. Amrhein as a member of its management team. “Last year, Catalyst reorganized an event arbitrage hedge fund with an outstanding 15 year performance history and converted it to the Catalyst Event Arbitrage mutual fund”, stated Jerry Szilagyi, the CEO of Catalyst. “George will play a lead role in bringing additional hedge fund strategies into the Catalyst mutual funds family”.

Catalyst Funds currently offers 13 distinctive funds that provide various strategies with the objectives of producing income- and equity-oriented returns while controlling risk and volatility. We offer these exclusive strategies through a team of in-house portfolio managers and boutique institutional investment management partners. At Catalyst, we strive to provide innovative strategies to support financial advisors and their clients in meeting the investment challenges of an ever changing global market environment. Information on the Catalyst Funds can be found at

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